Root Chakra

The root (or first) chakra is an energy center housed at the tip of the tailbone and associated with the perineum. In other words, essentially at the level of the pelvic floor.


Characteristics of this chakra include security, groundedness, power, and sex—certainly all things that I associate with the pelvic floor (even my western-medicine colleagues would agree that makes sense). It’s also associated with our basic needs—food, sleep, shelter, safety.


When those basic needs are threatened—as in our current world situation—our body can react by trying to grasp for them, trying to control them. In other words: it holds on.


Think of a dog that’s scared: it tucks its tail between its legs.


When we are scared—when our basic needs or power or security are threatened—we inherently “tuck our tail” too. But for us, that means we put all that tension in our pelvic floor. It is a false sense of control somewhere in our being, which in reality does not help us at all.


It can turn into pelvic pain, painful sex, tailbone, hip or back pain. It can change our relationship dynamics. It can give us feelings of scarcity or greed, a fear that we won’t have enough. That our basic needs will run out. (Hello TP hoarders.)


Take a couple minutes wherever you are to just check in with your root. If you’re rolling your eyes at the “woo” nature of what I’m saying, just check in with whatever parts of your body are contacting your seat.


Notice your sitbones, your thighs, your pelvis.


Take a couple breaths, and notice what you’re holding there.


What is serving you?


What is not?


Breathe into your pelvis, letting go whatever isn’t serving you. Let go of the tension. Let go of any unwarranted fear. Let it go.


Check in throughout your days: are you tense again? Let it go. This practice of checking in with your body becomes a mindfulness practice that can lead to feeling grounded, especially in these uncertain times. Release what doesn’t serve you, what is taking up precious energy in your body. Let it go.


How to Find Normal


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